For their factory in Le Mans, Renault trusted VISIO NERF for their solution for steering knuckles bin-picking.
Challenges :
- Get a production line that is able to handle a diversity of steering knuckles
- Being able to pick parts in bulk and semi bulk bins
- Improve the working conditions of the operations when completing the task
- Provide with a secure, reliable and flexible solution
Solutions :
- Set up of a flexible bin-picking cell with an ABB robot and four Cirrus 3D sensors (one at the top of each bin)
Outcomes :
- Bin-picking of a diversity of parts in both bulk and semi bulk bins.
- Automatic switch of the gripper to remove the cardboard at the end of each bin.
- The parts and then placed in the right way for the next production step.
- Same cycle time for the miling line.
- 4 steering knuckles picked every minute