Sorting parts on a conveyor in a foundry for Stellantis Sept Fons

In a foundry specialized in automotive parts, on the Stellantis Sept-Fons site, our partner Ribinerf ( has integrated a CUP3D vision solution composed of a 3D cirrus sensor, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, to sort the parts coming out of the oven on a conveyor.

Challenges :

- Locate and sort parts at high temperatures (over 700°C)

- Identify different types of parts despite visual nuisances (sand, dirt, hidden parts, etc.)

- Ability to work in a hostile environment at the furnace exit

- Ability for the robots to route the parts to the right bins according to the type of part



Solutions :

- Installation of a robust and impervious system composed of three robots and 3 fixed cirrus conveyor sensors (one close to each robot)





Outcomes :

- Fluent identification and sorting of parts

- Waste and nuisance management on the conveyor

- Deposit of parts in the different bins according to the model

- Maintenance of the cycle time of the furnace exits

- 1000 parts sorted per hour


Check the video